Blog Archive
- The Technology of Video and Audio Streaming, Secon...
- IndustryWeek Magazine, June 2008
- Twentieth Century United States History
- IndustryWeek Magazine May 2008
- Electronic Commerce: The Strategic Perspective 200...
- Dr. Dobb's Journal, May 2008
- Servo Magazine June 2008
- Affiliate Classroom Magazine, Vol. 4 No. 6
- Brushstroke Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Decora...
- Nuts and Volts - June 2008
- World Oil Outlook 2007
- Are You Being Served? New Tools for Measuring Serv...
- Internet shopping: An OFT market study
- The Java™ Language Specification, Third Edition
- Essential XML Quick Reference
- Export Programs Guide: A Business Guide to Federal...
- Lowe's Creative Ideas For Woodworkers, Spring 2008
- 2007 MIX Asia 100: Ranking of Microfinance Institu...
- Alpha Magazine, March 2008
- BlawgWorld 2007
- Taste of Home Magazine, June/July 2008
- The UNEP Year Book 2008
- Lowe's Creative Ideas For Outdoor Living, Spring 2008
- A Teacher’s Sourcebook for Japanese Art & Culture
- Computing Life
- Squezed: America As The Bubble Bursts by Danny Sch...
- My Tiny Life: Crime and Passion in a Virtual World
- Inside the Cell, National Institute of General Med...
- Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets (4th E...
- The Healthy Heart Handbook for Women ’07, 20th Ann...
- Understanding money: How to make it work for you
- Open Source Development with CVS, 3rd Edition
- Biotech "Made in Germany": From Start-up to Grown-up
- American Made: The Impact of Immigrant Entrepreneu...
- World Trade Magazine, May 2008
- Government Technology Magazine, May 2008
- Dr. Dobb's Journal, March 2008
- Good Health, Spring 2008
- Government Guarantees: Allocating and Valuing Risk...
- How to Read a Financial Report, Merrill Lynch
- Lowe's Creative Ideas For Home and Garden, May/Jun...
- Mexico 2006-2012: Creating the Foundations for Equ...
- The.Forbidden.Kingdom DVDRip [2008]
- Building Local Bond Markets: An Asian Perspective
- Doing Business 2008 (Full Report )
- William H. Pickering: America's Deep Space Pioneer
- Rockets and People, Volume II: Creating a Rocket I...
- Realizing the Dream of Flight, 1903-2003
- The Other Half of Gender: Men’s Issues in Development
- Pillars of Prosperity: Free Markets, Honest Money,...
- A Foreign Policy for Americans by Robert A. Taft
- Science In Flux: NASA's Nuclear Program at Plum Br...
- Beginning XNA 2.0 Game Programming: From Novice to...
- Beyond al-Qaeda: The Outer Rings of the Terrorist ...
- DotAn8 (3D Modeling and Animation Magazine) May 2008
- DotAn8 (3D Modeling and Animation Magazine) April...
- Scalix: Linux Administrator's Guide
- JDBC 4.0 and Oracle JDeveloper for J2EE Development
- Java CAPS Basics: Implementing Common EAI Patterns
- Sams Teach Yourself Visual Basic 2008 in 24 Hours:...
- Trade and Environment: A Resource Book
- Analytic Culture in the US Intelligence Community:...
- Effects of Directed Energy Weapons by Philip E. Ni...
- The Best We Can Be: Parents and Children Growing T...
- Science and Engineering Indicators 2008, National ...
- Running Xen: A Hands-On Guide to the Art of Virtua...
- Study Guide to Man, Economy, and State with Power ...
- Creating Mashups with Adobe Flex and AIR
- Migration, Trade, and Development
- Ten Big Ideas for a New America
- An Introduction to Economic Reasoning
- Beach Soccer Laws of the Game, FIFA
- Internet Resources for Fashion and Beauty
- A Guide to Venture Capital (Third Edition)
- Earthquake Safety Activities For Children and Teac...
- An East Asian Renaissance: Ideas for Economic Growth
- Free Markets Under Siege: Cartels, Politics, and S...
- Emergency Preparedness
- Earthquake Safety Checklist
- Building powerful and robust websites with Drupal 6
- Practical REST on Rails 2 Projects (Practical Proj...
- Refactoring HTML: Improving the Design of Existing...
- CRM Magazine, May 2008
- DiskTrix UltimateDefrag 2008 v2.0.0.48
- Lynn Allen’s Tips and Tricks For Using AutoCAD 2009
- NoteBurner 2.16
- Tube Hunter Ultra v1.72
- RonyaSoft ProPoster v2.02.04
- Super Internet TV
- Doing Business in France 2008 Edition
- Travel Weekly, May 5, 2008
- The Ritz-Carlton Magazine, Spring 2008
- The Ritz-Carlton Magazine, Winter 2008
- European Industrial Research, Issue 8
- Tunza Vol. 5 No. 1: Meltdown
- Oracle Bones: A Journey Between China's Past and P...
- eWeek Magazine, May 5, 2008
- The European Attractiveness Scoreboard
- FantasyDVD Player Platinum v9.5.1.424
- Taste of Home Magazine, April/May 2007
The Technology of Video and Audio Streaming, Second Edition
Publisher : Focal Press
Publication date : 2005
ISBN : 0-240-80580-1
Language : English
Pages : 357
Format : PDF
Size : 2.8 MB
If you would like to know how it is done, from the beginning up to the end, this book could give you the answers. In this book you will learn the process beginning with the capture of the source (video or audio) through how it is delivered to the consumer's media player. This book will introduce the novice to the streaming media technologies and how to monitize your content and protect the revenue with knowing the ins and outs of digital rights management. [more...]
IndustryWeek Magazine, June 2008
IndustryWeek Magazine, June 2008
Language : English
Format : EXE
Pages : 64
Size :42 Mb
This magazine covers a wide area of topics in the field of manufacturing. The readers of this magazine are business executives whose interest is in the manufacturing industry. If you are a business man who is in the field of manufacturing and wants to survive in this highly competitive world. [more...]
Twentieth Century United States History
Publisher : Currents in American Scolarship
Publication date : October 2004
Language : English
Pages : 36
Format : PDF
You may not know it but the number of historical writings about the United States in the 20th century has grown so much. When we say history we think immediately of events that took place hundreds of years ago. But this book is concerned with the recent history of the United Stae of America in the 20th century. Todays scholars have explored in depth historical controversies in America's recent history using a wide and plentiful sources like unpublished archival materials, recordings, films, oral accounts, documentaries, and statistical information. [more...]
IndustryWeek Magazine May 2008
Language : English
Format : EXE
Pages : 64
Size : 33.2 Mb
IndustryWeek Magazine is aimed at helping senior executives and decision-makers in the manufacturing and supporting industries. This magazine covers a broad scope of topics in the field of manufacturing. Business issues, strategies, trends & technologies are explored in depth to help manufacturing executive succeed in today's global economy. [more...]
Electronic Commerce: The Strategic Perspective 2000-2007
Publisher :Harcourt; Rev Ed edition
Publication Year : 2007
Language : English
ISBN : 978-0030265334
Pages : 100
Format : PDF
Size : 722 KB
For an entreprenuer, knowing the the ins and outs of electronic commerce is a must. This book brings the reader strategic marketing and managerial perspective of electronic commerce and focuses on the important issues that most commonly concern business people. This book is based on the research done by its four author. These authors are highly qualified in the field of commerce.
Every fledging entreprenuer must have this book because no business today is free from electronics. If you want your business to grow fast, you, as a modern business man must understand how electronic commerce moves. [more...]
Dr. Dobb's Journal, May 2008
Language : English
Format : EXE
Pages : 54
Size : 17 MB
This magazine is for programmers who would like to perfect their skills and write the most sophisticated free from flaws and problems. This magazine is the perfect for all kinds of programmers because its coverages is multi-language and multi-platform. This magazine is the best resource for every programmer who wants perfection.
Dr. Dobbs Journal is the number one magazine for software programmers and is around for the past 25 years as has alway been the primary source of software tools for the perfectionist programmer. The writers of this magazine are programmers themselves who think like the way every programmer thinks that is why you as a programmer feels at home in its every pages. [more...]
Servo Magazine June 2008
Servo Magazine June 2008
Language : English
Pages : 84
Format : PDF
Size : 15.5 MB
This magazine topics is 100% devoted to robotics and robots because this is for the "Next Generation of Robotics Experimenters". This magazine will not only entertain and inspire the robotics experimenters but also educate them. There are lots of feature articles where any robotics experimenter could learner new tricks from. There are also many interviews and tutorials from experts in this field. Servo delivers to its readers what it takes to be a real next generation robotics expewrimenter and future expert.
Featured in this month's issue :
* BasicBoard Robotics
* Building a Sonar System
* Designing and Building a Robot from Scratch - Part 4
* Loki Crosses The Pond - Part 1
* RoboExotica
Affiliate Classroom Magazine, Vol. 4 No. 6
Language : English
Pages : 13
Format : PDF
Size : 1 MB
The editors writers, columnists, and teachers who contribute to this magazine are all affiliates who speak from their own experiences. The aim of this magazine is to help keep you informed of emerging marketing trends, increase your website traffic, and raise you conversions and revenues. This is a must read for every entreprenuer who wants to keep up with the fast-paced wold of modern commerce which uses the internet as groud for players to move around and get their share of opportunities.
This issue offers CPA success tips from experts and managers! [more...]
Brushstroke Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Decorative Painting Brushstrokes By Maureen McNaughton
Publisher : North Light Books
Year of Publication : 2006-03
ISBN : 1581807821
Language : English
Pages : 147
Format : PDF
Size : 3.6 MB
Every artist has his own way of expressing his art. The way artists handle the brush differ from one another but it does not mean to say that an artist does not need to know other people's stuff. To improve as an artist one needs to know more techniques in his craft to be able to have a wider range of expression. In this book you will be introduced to more than 50 different strokes that could greatly improve your artistry. The book covers a visual step-by-step instruction for using round and flat brushes in acrylic. This is divided into two sections, each details the techniques using different brushes. You will learn the different kinds of comma strokes, teardrop strokes, scroll strokes, and many many more. This guide not only offers everything a beginner needs to get what it needs to become a competent artist but also expert to futher develop their skill. [more...]
Nuts and Volts - June 2008
Language : English
Pages : 116
Format : PDF
Size : 16.6 Mb
If you are an engineer, a hobbyist, a technician, or someone who just loves experimenting with electronics then this magazine is for you. I love this magazine because it has a very diverse range of electronic topics that could really get your ginius start sparking. With every issue of Nuts and Volts the genius in you is put to the test.
In this June 2008 issue you will learn to build a switching regulator and you will learn a thing or two about PWM, inductors, and all those interesting stuff along this line. And for $30 worth of parts you will build a precision stereo headphone amplifier which you can use with your favorite mp3 player or ipod [more...]
World Oil Outlook 2007
Publisher : OPEC
Publication Year : 2007
ISBN : 978-3-200-00965-3
Language : English
Pages : 158
Format : PDF
Size : 3.4 MB
Every year the OPEC Secretariat produces a midium to long-term of the global situation of the oil industry. In this ebook you will read the results and analysis that would shed light to many issues that oil exporting countries are facing now and would be facing in the future. This book serves the purpose of sharing to all the players in this area the understanding of the present scene in the world of oil industry. [more...]
Are You Being Served? New Tools for Measuring Service Delivery
Are You Being Served? New Tools for Measuring Service Delivery
Publisher : The World Bank
Publication year : 2008
ISBN : 978-0-8213-7185-5
Language : English
Pages : 454
Format : PDF
Size : 1.9 Mb
This book presents and evaluates the tools for measuring the quality of service to the poor provided in the area of health and education. This book aims at improving the quality of service of the public sector. The authors vast experience in the area is highlighted by how they have deployed these methods of measuring the quality of service in 12 countries. The results show that the data could be a powerful tool for effecting changes in the policy for service. [more...]
Internet shopping: An OFT market study
Publisher : Office of Fair Trading
Publication date : 2007
ISBN : 2007OFT921
Language : English
Pages : 176
Format : PDF
Size : 1.7 MB
The effect of the internet in marketing in the past decade is so immense, it has changed a lot of things in the world of business. The way people buy things today is very different from the way they buy them twenty years ago. This study explores this phenomenon of the internet revolution as it allow individuals to have tremendous power as retail channels in businesses.
In the 90's, if you want to buy a record you could go to the nearest record store and buy your tape. If you want to to have a new cassete tape player you could order it from you favorite appliance store and wait for weeks before it could be delivered. But that is not the way we do these things now. You can listen to your favorite band's latest album without going through the hassle of going to the record bars to look for it. Without leaving your seat you can have what you want.
The speed at which the internet phenomenon has swept over the marketing world is impressive. This book will help you keep up with these changes. [more...]
The Java™ Language Specification, Third Edition
Publisher : Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Publication date : May, 2005
ISBN : 0-321-24678-0
Language : English
Pages : 684
Format : PDF
size: 3.3 MB
If you want a book that can provide you with complete and accurate coverage of the Java programming language then you should have this book. This is actually the third printing and a lot of new features are added like the inclusion of generics, asserts, autoboxing, annotations, for-each loops, variable arity methods, static import clauses and annotations.This book was written by the invetors of the technology themselves and will of course help you in understanding the exact meaning of the language's construct. [more...]
Essential XML Quick Reference
Publisher : Addison-Wisley
Year : 2003
ISBN : 0-201-74095-8
Format : PDF
Pages : 432 pages
Size : 8.7 MB
If your work is in line with today's mainstream XML technologies, this book is for you. This book was actually designed to give the user a quick reference that could answer many technological questions that are related to XML. This is not your traditional reference because it provides a comprehensive coverage of every important topic. There are also many examples to help illustrate many points. [more...]
Export Programs Guide: A Business Guide to Federal Export Assistance, 2006 Edition
Export Programs Guide: A Business Guide to Federal Export Assistance, 2006 Edition
USCS | 2005 | ISBN 978-0-16-075020-5 | English | 42 pages | PDF | 1.3 Mb
For over a decade, the Export Programs Guide has been the most comprehensive guide to federal programs that assist U.S. exporters. This completely updated 2006 edition continues this tradition, with detailed descriptions of more than 100 programs offered by 19 different federal agencies.
This guide is the U.S. government’s most comprehensive and widely distributed export resource, a listing of all federal government programs that aid U.S. companies in exporting their goods and services around the world. Nineteen different agencies have united to offer this publication and the many programs to help American firms succeed in the global marketplace. Dedicated to improving federal trade promotion programs, these agencies comprise the Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee (TPCC).
For example, Asia Now and Access Eastern Mediterranean are two initiatives that provide exporters with a single point of access for information on regional trade events, business counseling and marketing services, and market research specific to their respective regions. Other regionally focused resources include the China Business Information Center and the Middle East Business Information Center. These centers make available comprehensive Web sites and both offer access to a call center staffed by trade specialists.
For additional information on the listings in this guide or for any export questions you have, please contact the Trade Information Center (TIC), of the U.S. Department of Commerce. The TIC is the first stop for information on federal export assistance programs plus general, regional, and country counseling. The TIC has a team of international trade specialists available to give you tailored export assistance.
Lowe's Creative Ideas For Woodworkers, Spring 2008
English | PDF | 11 pages | 3.4 Mb
Let’s build something together
Now that winter is over, it’s time to break out the lawn and garden tools. Using our Utility Cart, you’ll have everything handy for your outdoor chores. Spring also inspires creativity, so we’ve designed a Desktop Easel to assist the artist, writer, and reader. And finally, we created a project for that special member of the family—your dog or cat.
2007 MIX Asia 100: Ranking of Microfinance Institutions
ADB | 2008 | ISBN 978-971-561-687-4 | English | 52 pages | PDF | 3.2 MB
MIX and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) present the first set of rankings of Asian microfinance institutions (MFIs) – the 2007 MIX Asia 100. The report draws on year 2006 outreach and financial performance results of 392 MFIs across 23 countries to highlight the achievements of the microfinance industry within the region. Asian microfinance has long been touted for its extensive outreach to the poor, but a number of questions remain on the performance of MFIs across the region.
What is the range of performance for leading institutions? How deep is the sector in each sub-region and what are the major intra-regional differences and similarities? Where do regional strengths (and weaknesses) lie? Which types of institutions are strongest along which dimensions of performance? By taking a look at individual institutional performance, using a sample that is both broad and deep, MIX and ADB provide the framework in which to answer these important questions.
Alpha Magazine, March 2008
Alpha Magazine, March 2008
English | EXE | 64 pages | 17 MB
Alpha magazine is Institutional Investor's newest publication focusing on the hedge fund industry and the connection between its users and those who provide advisory, financial and technological services.
With rankings that include the Hedge Fund of Funds 50 and profiles on the top hedge fund investors, Alpha magazine is quickly becoming the must read publication for everyone involved in the hedge fund industry.
Alpha magazine was created exclusively for those working in the hedge fund industry providing independent and objective commentary. With rankings that include the Rich List and the Hedge Fund 100, profiles of the top hedge fund players, analysis and in-depth investigations, Alpha magazine is the must read for the global hedge fund industry. (
Institutional Investor is a leading international business to business publisher, focused primarily on international finance. It publishes magazines, newsletters and journals as well as research, directories, books and maps. It also runs conferences, seminars and training courses and is a provider of electronic business information through its capital market databases and emerging markets information service.
BlawgWorld 2007
TechnoLawyer | English | 366 pages | PDF | 9.5 Mb
You probably don’t have the time to read every legal blog (blawg). But many blawgs contain excellent content worthy of your attention. Enter BlawgWorld 2007—a collection of 77 thought-provoking essays from 77 of the most influential blawgs. Handpicked by each respective blogger, these essays provide a window into their blawgs, making it easy for you to figure out which ones merit your ongoing attention. To visit a blawg, click on its Web address.
You can quickly find essays of interest in BlawgWorld 2007 by using the interactive table of contents. From any page, click on the Blawgs navigation tab. From there, two more clicks will take you to any essay.
2007 TechnoLawyer Problem/Solution Guide: The Product Guide Reinvented
You have problems. Lots of them. These problems range from choosing accounting software to reviewing email obtained in discovery to scanning documents into PDF format—and many others.
Enter 2007 TechnoLawyer Problem/Solution Guide—the product guide reinvented! In this revolutionary new sponsored resource, you’ll find 185 Problems and corresponding Solutions. Written from the point of view of a law firm, each Problem/Solution consists of a question and answer as well as a button that links to a Web page with more information.
To find the Problems of interest to you quickly, we’ve created not one, but two tables of contents. From any page, click on the Problems navigation tab to find Problems by topic, or click on the Products navigation tab to find Problems by product or company name.
Taste of Home Magazine, June/July 2008
English | 72 pages | PDF | 6.9 MB
Taste of Home Magazine, June/July 2008[/b]
English | 72 pages | PDF | 6.9 MB
Get ready for #1 cooking magazine in the World! Dig into 75 or more delicious home-style recipes, including 32 handy "clip-out" recipes in every issue.
Taste of Home is at heart a friendly exchange of authentic family-favorite recipes handed down over generations and shared among loved ones. Taste of Home recipes are practical because they're from home cooks—not gourmet chefs—and feature familiar, everyday ingredients; clear, beautiful photos; and easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions.
And because each is individually tested by culinary experts in our Test Kitchens, Taste of Home recipes are reliable; we guarantee that you can count on success each time you prepare one.
But more than simply offering recipes, Taste of Home fosters a strong and loyal sense of community among like-minded home cooks of all ages, who share food preparation secrets and tips, humorous and heartwarming anecdotes, and glimpses into their kitchens, their homes and their lives.
Taste of Home is the world's leading food media brand; we publish four magazines, over 40 special interest recipe collections for sale at retail and grocery stores each year, dozens of cookbooks—hardback and spiral bound, and we host over 300 local cooking schools around the country each year.
The UNEP Year Book 2008
UNEP | 2008 | ISBN: 978-92-807-2877-4 | English | 60 pages | PDF | 5.5 MB
The UNEP Year Book 2008 (formerly the GEO Year Book) is the fifth annual report on the changing environment produced by the United Nations Environment Programme in collaboration with many world environmental experts.
The UNEP Year Book 2008 highlights the increasing complexity and interconnections of climate change, ecosystem integrity, human well-being, and economic development. It examines the emergence and influence of economic mechanisms and market driven approaches for addressing environmental degradation. It describes recent research findings and policy decisions that affect our awareness of and response to changes in our global environment.
In three sections, the UNEP Year Book 2008 focuses on recent environmental events, developments, and scientific findings:
The Global Overview surveys the significant environmental events that gained prominence during 2007. Using graphs, charts, and photos with examples from regional experiences, the overview also tracks new scientific and policy developments on the environmental front.
The Feature Focus documents some of the creative efforts already working in markets and financial circles to fight the growing climate crisis. The section also examines patterns that are emerging after a decade of carbon market experimentation. Finally, it attempts to map the next important steps that will assist the transition to an
environmentally-sound economy.
The Emerging Challenge examines recent scientific findings on the role of arctic climate feedbacks. Release of methane from thawing permafrost and from hydrate deposits are amplifiying warming trends. The section emphasizes the urgent need for increased investments in climate and energy research, knowledge partnerships, and global political responses to meet these serious challenges.
The UNEP Year Book 2008 is essential, informative, and authoritative reading for anyone with a role or an interest in our changing environment.
Lowe's Creative Ideas For Outdoor Living, Spring 2008
Lowe's Creative Ideas For Outdoor Living, Spring 2008
English | 13 pages | PDF | 4.8 MB
If you’re a gardener, you know that working the dirt is only part of creating a beautiful outdoor environment. Hardscaping—decks, patios, pergolas, and walkways—provides a showcase for your landscaping, with its rich color and texture. Both elements add up to comfortable, beautiful outdoor spaces that work almost like rooms inside your house.
We have recently changed our name to Lowe’s Creative Ideas for Outdoor Living to reflect that relationship. You’ll still see nuts-and-bolts gardening information, but we’ll also include stories on outdoor decorating and entertaining.
I hope you enjoy everything that this refreshed newsletter offers to enrich your life outdoors. Let us hear from you! Fill out a quick survey at, and you’ll have a chance to receive a $100 Lowe’s gift card. Hurry, the survey ends April 11, 2008.
A Teacher’s Sourcebook for Japanese Art & Culture
Peabody Essex Museum | 2007 | English | 48 pages | PDF | 2 MB
What comes to your mind when you hear the word “Japan”? Images of sword-wielding samurai and kimono-clad women ? Scrumptious sushi with a hint of spicy wasabi? Or perhaps anime-cartoon characters with giant sparkly eyes? What about the contemplative tea ceremony? Or Sony gadgets and Toyotas? An economic powerhouse that rivals the United States? Japan is indeed all of the above and a lot more!
Ask your students what associations they may have with Japan.
Four major islands, Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku, and Hokkaido, plus the Ryukyu Islands and about 7,000 additional islands, make up Japan. As of 2001, the population of the country was about 127.3 million, making it the ninth most populous nation in the world. It is, however, barely the size of California and thus one of the most densely populated countries. Most of the people live in metropolitan centers such as Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya, Osaka, Fukuoka, and Sapporo.
Mountains and forests cover 70 percent of Japan’s geography. The tallest mountain, Fuji (12,385 feet), has a distinct conical shape and is considered an auspicious symbol of Japan. Thousands of Japanese climb the mountain each year during the months of July and August when it is open for travelers. It is a pilgrimage that many hope to make once in their lifetimes, as a spirit or kami resides there, according to native Shinto beliefs. This sourcebook will provide information about both the indigenous religion of Shinto and the imported religion of Buddhism and how they are integral to the cycles of daily life in Japan.
The four seasons are distinctly felt in most areas of Japan. Nature and seasonality affect the culture in profound ways, and this is reflected in the nation’s religion, art, and cuisine. Imagery associated with the seasons is common in Japanese art, and poetic descriptions of natural elements are often found in haiku. Among the lesson plans in the section following the sourcebooks are two lessons on haiku that will emphasize being in tune with nature and one’s surroundings.
The Peabody Essex Museum’s collection of Japanese art and culture is the earliest and among the largest in the United States. The first objects were brought back from Japan by Salem sea captains who traveled to the nation for trade purposes about 200 years ago. In addition, Edward Sylvester Morse (1838 –1925), one of the first directors of the museum, was influential in the growth of the collection and generating interest in Japanese art. Key objects from Peabody Essex Museum’s collection of more than 20,000 works have been carefully chosen for this sourcebook to assist educators in teaching about Japan.
Computing Life
Computing Life
National Institutes of Health | 2007 | ISBN 200707-5861 | 24 pages | English | PDF | 1.3 MB
NIGMS brings you Computing Life, so you can learn how scientists use computers to advance our understanding of biology and human health.
From text messaging friends to navigating city streets with GPS technology, we’re all living the computing life. But as we’ve upgraded from snail mail and compasses, so too have scientists.
Computer advances now let researchers quickly search through DNA sequences to find gene variations that could lead to disease, simulate how flu might spread through your school, and design threedimensional animations of molecules that rival any video game.
By teaming computers and biology, scientists can answer new and old questions that could offer insights into the fundamental processes that keep us alive and make us sick.
This booklet introduces you to just some of the ways that physicists, biologists, and even artists are computing life. Each section focuses on a different research problem, offers examples of current scientific projects, and acquaints you with the people conducting the work. You can follow the links for online extras and other opportunities to learn about—and get involved in—this exciting new interdisciplinary field.
Squezed: America As The Bubble Bursts by Danny Schechter
Squezed: America As The Bubble Bursts by Danny Schechter
ColdType | 2007 | ISBN: 0275987868 | English | 187 pages | PDF | 1.6 MB
Over the last decade, U.S. industrial employment has been ravaged by Neoliberal “free trade” policies and corporate outsourcing while workers have struggled to retain the basic vestiges of the American Dream. Sadly, as the post-industrial society has eroded the industrial heartland of middle-class America, the mall has replaced the factory as the engine of the US economy. Indeed, one of the distinguishing features of the “new economy” is that it is more profitable to finance consumption than production. And, as real wages have declined and basic living expenses have soared, American families have become increasingly dependent upon consumer credit and debt to maintain their lifestyle and, too often, simply to survive.
Social critic and journalist provocateur – Danny Schechter aka the “News Dissector” – deserves our appreciation for identifying yet another crucially important issue that has been blissfully ignored by the mainstream media and our national leaders – the consumer debt time bomb. While business pundits and media cheerleaders have deflected attention from the lack of a national economic policy, Schechter has focused his filmmaking and journalistic talents on the seductive and calamitous consequences of banking deregulation. Indeed, through his powerful and entertaining documentary, In Debt We Trust, Schechter takes us behind the scenes where the profits and power of the financial services industry are protected by federal regulators, elected officials, and even the U.S. Supreme Court.
My Tiny Life: Crime and Passion in a Virtual World
My Tiny Life: Crime and Passion in a Virtual World
Holt Paperbacks | 1999 | ISBN-13: 978-0805036268 | English | 324 pages | PDF | 1.4 MB
Part memoir and part ethnography, My Tiny Life is about the social life of the online, text-based virtual world LambdaMOO and my own brief encounter with it in the early '90s. Andrew Leonard, in Salon, called it “the best book yet on the meaning of online life.”
Being a true account of the infamous Mr. Bungle and of the author's journey, in consequence thereof, to the heart of a half-real world called LambdaMoo.
From In Cold Blood to Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, readers have been gripped by the novelistic rering of eccentric communities torn apart by violent crime.
Julian Dibbell's reporting of the "Mr. Bungle" rape case first appeared as the cover story in The Village Voice. Since that time it has become a cause célèbre, cited as a landmark case in numerous books and articles and a source of less discussion on the Internet. That's because the scene of the crime was a "Multi-User Domain," an electronic "salon" where Internet junkies have created their own interactive fantasy realm.
In a "place" where race, ger, and identity are infinitely malleable, the addictive denizens had thought they'd escaped all traditional cultural and moral limits. Yet Mr. Bungle's primal transgression challenged all their illusions, confronting even this electronic utopia with the same issues of order and social norms that humanity has faced since the Stone Age. When this fantasy imbroglio threatens Dibbell's actual marriage, we see how the virtual world at once mirrors and mocks real life.
Inside the Cell, National Institute of General Medical Sciences
National Institutes of Health | 2005 | ISBN 200505-1051 | English | 84 pages | PDF | 2.1 MB
At this very moment, electricity is zapping through your brain, voracious killers are coursing through your veins, and corrosive chemicals sizzle in bubbles from your head to your toes. In fact, your entire body is like an electrical company, chemical factory, transportation grid, communications network, detoxification facility, hospital, and battlefield all rolled into one. The workers in each of these industries are your cells.
Cells are the smallest form of life—the functional and structural units of all living things. Your body contains trillions of cells, organized into more than 200 major types.
At any given time, each cell is doing thousands of jobs. Some of these tasks are so essential for life that they are carried out by virtually all cells. Others are done only by cells that are highly skilled for the work, whether it is covering up your insides (skin cells), preventing you from sloshing around like a pile of goo (bone cells), purging your body of toxic chemicals (liver cells), or enabling you to learn and remember (brain cells). Cells also must make the products your body needs, such as sweat, saliva, enzymes, hormones, and antibodies.
In Chapter 1, "An Owner's Guide to the Cell," we'll explore some of the basic structures that allow cells to accomplish their tasks and some of the ways scientists study cells. In Chapter 2, "Cells 101: Business Basics," we'll focus on the functions shared by virtually all cells: making fuel and proteins, transporting materials, and disposing of wastes. In Chapter 3, "On the Job: Cellular Specialties," we'll learn how cells specialize to get their unique jobs done. In Chapters 4, "Cellular Reproduction: Multiplication by Division," and 5, "The Last Chapter: Cell Aging and Death," we'll find out how cells reproduce, age, and die.
Much of the research described in this booklet is carried out by cell biologists at universities and other institutions across the nation who are supported by U.S. tax dollars, specifically those distributed by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) a component of the National Institutes of Health. NIGMS is keenly interested in cell biology because knowledge of the inner workings of cells underpins our understanding of health and disease.
Although scientists daily learn more about cells and their roles in our bodies, the field is still an exciting frontier of uncharted territory and unanswered questions. Maybe someday, you will help answer those questions.
Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets (4th Edition) by John C. Hull
Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets (4th Edition) by John C. Hull
Prentice Hall; 4th edition (June 29, 2001) | ISBN 0-13-017602-8 | English | 511 pages | PDF | 7.6 MB
This book has been written for undergraduate and graduate elective courses offered by business, economics, and other faculties. Many practitioners who want to acquire a working knowledge of futures and options markets will also find the book useful.
I was persuaded to write this book by colleagues who liked my other book Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, but found the material a little too advanced for their students. Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets (formerly Introduction to Futures and Options Markets) covers some of the same ground as Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives—but in a way that readers who have had limited training in mathematics will find easier to understand. One important difference between this book and my other one is that there is no calculus in this book.
The text can be used in a number of different ways. Instructors who like to focus on one- and two-step binomial trees when valuing options may wish to cover only the first 10 chapters. Instructors who feel that swaps are adequately covered by other courses can choose to omit Chapter 6. There are many different ways in which Chapters 11 to 21 can be used. Instructors who feel that the material in Chapters 14, 16, 17, or 18 is too specialized can skip one or more of these chapters.
The Healthy Heart Handbook for Women ’07, 20th Anniversary Edition
The Healthy Heart Handbook for Women ’07, 20th Anniversary Edition
National Institutes of Health | 2007 | ISBN 1-933236-11-6 | English | 147 pages | PDF | 2.3 MB
Research on women’s heart health is exploding. Nearly everyweek, it seems, the media report on new ways to prevent and treat heart disease in women—and it can be hard to keep track of it all.
In this updated edition of “The Healthy Heart Handbook for Women,” we have put together all of this new knowledge in one easy-to-use handbook. This guide is part of The Heart Truth, anational public awareness campaign for women about heart disease sponsored by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute(NHLBI) and many other groups. (See “Getting the Word Out” onpage 10.)
“The Healthy Heart Handbook for Women” will give you newinformation on women’s heart disease and practical suggestionsfor reducing your own personal risk of heart-related problems.You’ll find out about a little-known form of heart disease in women and how to get it diagnosed properly. The handbook will also help you make sense of widely publicized research on the impactof a lower fat diet on women’s heart disease risk.
Understanding money: How to make it work for you
Understanding money: How to make it work for you
Commonwealth of Australia | 2008 | ISBN 0 642 74445 9 | English | 46 pages | PDF | 1.4 Mb
People often ask me, ‘What is the secret to being good with money?’ The answer I give is that there are a few basic financial habits that can really make a difference. Understanding money really does pay off.
Understanding money means understanding how much money you have and where it goes. It means being in a position to make the most of what you’ve got. And it means protecting what’s yours.
No matter who you are or what you earn, it’s easier than you think to take control of your money. This handbook can help you to understand money better. Obviously it can’t provide detailed advice, because that depends on your personal circumstances, but it does contain loads of information that can help you to make your money work harder for you.
Open Source Development with CVS, 3rd Edition
Paraglyph Press | 2003 | ISBN 10: 1-932111-81-6 | English | 368 pages | PDF | 1.9 MB
Open Source Development with CVS, Third Edition, is an updated edition of the best-selling guide to the most widely used version control software for open source developers. This new edition has been enhanced with more value-added material covering third-party tools, remote operation, scalability, client access limits, BitKeeper, and overall server administration for CVS. (
The need for a modern source-code management strategy in the distributed open-source community is paramount. The benevolent dictatorship model of open-source maintainers is only quasi-stable, but it is far better than the other extreme: the chaos of democratic code development.
The best available compromise is the concurrent versioning system (CVS), which introduces proctored code merging into source code management. CVS is ideally suited for worldwide open-source development, and the world is ready for monographs that address the management issues that Per Cederqvist explicitly avoided in his fine 164-page postscript manual distributed with the CVS tar-ball. What is the role of a maintainer/manager in establishing test protocols for code merges? What minimal functional level of developer communications is necessary for merges to remain stable? Is a maintainer-less release possible?
These questions go largely unanswered in Karl Fogel's new Open Source Development with CVS. Fogel's 300-page book consists of chapters alternating between CVS basics and common code maintenance issues. He includes a few anecdotes from open-source lore and lots of nonspecific commonsense guidelines on team software development.
Fogel is at his best when he is engaging us in thinking about what should and should not be under CVS control. He points out that complex relationships exist between developing code and its dependencies on intimately related applications, such as build tools themselves (gcc, autoconf) or partner applications (e.g., the server's client or the client's server). His brief discussion of strategies is too short to be satisfying.
Frustratingly, this book is chock-full of postmodern self-indulgences, such as his boasting reverence for technological ignorance. The discipline needed by good maintainers is missing here; Fogel's informal prose is often grating, and his copious parenthetical remarks are distracting or bullying (they sure are); one wonders where his editor was. Ultimately, his management arguments boil down to an endorsement for the benevolent dictatorship model--a safe conclusion, but one that seems not to use CVS's merging capability for all it's worth. To the question of how to run a project, he responds, "Well, we're all still trying to figure that out, actually." True, and he isn't there yet, but at least he has the questions right. --Peter Leopold (
Biotech "Made in Germany": From Start-up to Grown-up
Biotech "Made in Germany": From Start-up to Grown-up
Invest in Germany GmbH | 2007 | English | 20 pages | PDF | 1.3 MB
Dear Investors, Welcome to Germany! It is our pleasure to present you with information about investment opportunities in Germany’s thriving biotechnology sector.
The German biotech industry continues to play a leading role in Europe, both in terms of corporate representation and capacity to generate new intellectual property. Invigorated by a phase of healthy consolidation, biotech companies in Germany are launching exciting new products and have many more in the pipeline. These companies have gained maturity and are once again demonstrating their ability to raise capital. While highly renowned program funds actively support early-stage enterprises, the venture capital industry is raising additional funding to help promising companies grow.
This should serve as an invitation to enter the German biotech market and reap the rewards of Germany as a business location in general.
It’s our goal and commitment at Invest in Germany to assist you in setting up your business in our country. With our multifaceted network involving industry, government and academia we are in an excellent position to help you profit from biotechnology “Made in Germany”.
American Made: The Impact of Immigrant Entrepreneurs and Professionals on U.S. Competitiveness
American Made: The Impact of Immigrant Entrepreneurs and Professionals on U.S. Competitiveness
NVCA | 2007 | English | 40 pages | PDF | 1.14 MB
Immigrant entrepreneurs and professionals contribute significantly to job creation and innovation in the United States. This analysis shows the striking propensity of immigrants to start and grow successful American companies, particularly in the technology field. The study’s findings reflect the benefits of an open policy toward legal immigration. However, it also reveals that current restrictions on skilled immigrants are likely to result in less job creation and innovation for America.
This first of its kind study utilized the Thomson Financial database to examine the nativity of the founders of all U.S. venture-backed publicly traded companies. Separately, the authors surveyed over 340 privately held venture-backed companies to discern their views on U.S. immigration policy and obtain demographic data on their founders. The result is a portrait of the positive impact immigrants have in starting and working for America’s leading edge companies.
American Made: The Impact of Immigrant Entrepreneurs and Professionals on U.S. Competitiveness, commissioned by the National Venture Capital Association (NVCA), is part of NVCA’s MAGNET USA initiative.
World Trade Magazine, May 2008
English | PDF | 52 pages | 15.7 MB
World Trade Magazine, May 2008 is now available. You can view the magazine online, or download the entire magazine in PDF format.
World Trade magazine: The trusted source of information and analysis for executives at the highest level of midsized to large U.S. manufacturers engaged in domestic and international trade.
Monthly, World Trade Magazine examines each sector of world trade - transportation, logistics and supply chain management, technology, finance and trade services, and domestic and international economic development. Emphasis is on executive interviews and in-depth company profiles designed to assist our readers in making their businesses more profitable.
Government Technology Magazine, May 2008
Government Technology Magazine, May 2008
English | EXE | 60 pages | 26.5 MB
Government Technology is the award-winning national magazine covering information technology's role in state and local governments.
Through in-depth coverage of IT case studies, emerging technologies, and the implications of digital technology on the policies and management of public sector organizations, Government Technology chronicles the dynamics of governing in the information age.
Managers, elected officials, CIOs and technology staff at all levels of government gain IT news and event information from Government Technology magazine.
Today's governments simply can't operate without technology. It's intertwined with every facet of their business processes. Government Technology and its award-winning publications are uniquely focused on helping state and local professionals understand IT's role in driving the business of modern governments.
Discover how Government Technology's long-standing connections and multi-media platform delivers maximum ROI with the highest-concentration of technology buying influence. Government Technology is up to any marketing challenge, and we're ready to get you results.
Dr. Dobb's Journal, March 2008
Dr. Dobb's Journal, March 2008
English | EXE | 72 pages | 19 MB
Dr. Dobb's Journal is the essential multi-language/multi-platform resource for professional programmers and software developers. You'll read about algorithms, coding tips, working code, discussions of fundamental design issues and actual program listings guaranteed to make you a better programmer.
Good Health, Spring 2008
Good Health, Spring 2008
English | 32 pages | PDF | 2.1 MB
Good Health is published semiannually for Blue Care Network and BCN Service Company members. Good Health is meant to complement the advice of health care professionals and is not intended to take the place of professional medical care. Your specific contract may not cover every procedure or treatment recommended.
Blue Care Network of Michigan is an independent, nonprofit affiliate of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, one of many individual Blue Cross® and Blue Shield® plans in the United States. Blue Care Network is controlled by a board of directors including private citizens, business, labor and health care professionals. The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association licenses Blue Care Network of Michigan to offer certain products and services under the Blue Cross and Blue Shield names.
Blue Care Network of Michigan is an independent organization and solely responsible for its own debts and obligations. Neither the association nor any other organization using the Blue Cross and Blue Shield names acts as a guarantor of Blue Care Network of Michigan’s obligations.
Government Guarantees: Allocating and Valuing Risk in Privately Financed
The World Bank | 2007 | ISBN-13: 978-0-8213-6858-9 | English | 230 pages | PDF | 1.6 MB
Government guarantees can help persuade private investors to finance valuable new infrastructure. But because their costs are hard to estimate and usually do not show up in the government’s accounts, governments can be tempted to grant too many guarantees.
Drawing on a diverse range of disciplines, including finance, history, economics, and psychology, Government Guarantees: Allocating and Valuing Risk in Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects aims to help governments give guarantees only when they are justified. It reviews the history of government guarantees and identifies the cognitive and political obstacles to good decisions about guarantees.
It then develops a framework for judging when governments should bear risk in an infrastructure project (seeking to make precise the oft-invoked principle that risks should be allocated to those best placed to manage them); explains how guarantees can be valued; and discusses how aspects of public-sector management can be modified to improve the likely quality of government decisions about guarantees.
How to Read a Financial Report, Merrill Lynch
MerrillLynch | 2007 | ISBN 25182PM-0800 | English | 52 pages | PDF | 5 MB
An annual report is unfamiliar terrain to many people. For those who are not accountants, analysts or financial planners, this booklet can help them to better understand such reports and possibly become more informed investors.
This booklet was written and designed to help educate and guide its readers so they might:
- Better understand the data included in financial reports and how to analyze it.
- Learn more about companies that offer employment or provide investment opportunities.
A good starting point for achieving these goals is to become familiar with the main components of a company’s annual report.
Lowe's Creative Ideas For Home and Garden, May/June 2008
Lowe's Creative Ideas For Home and Garden, May/June 2008
English | 33 pages | PDF | 9.1 MB
Let’s build something together
“Summer afternoon— summer afternoon ... the two most beautiful words in the English language,” Henry James said. And I couldn’t agree more. As warm spring afternoons quietly become warmer summer afternoons, we find ourselves spending just as much time outdoors as in.
The grill is working overtime, your early spring garden plans are coming to fruition, and your spirit is boosted by the extra hours of sunshine. In this issue, find out how adding French doors can blend the lines between indoor and outdoor spaces.
Also, if you’ve wanted to upgrade your kitchen or bath or refresh other rooms in your home, we have a budget-wise kitchen and bath as well as two unique rooms that do double duty. Now you’re all set to take advantage of the coming season and those beautiful summer afternoons!
Mexico 2006-2012: Creating the Foundations for Equitable Growth
The World Bank | 2007 | ISBN : 200739993-MX | English | 410 pages | 2.7 MB
Mexico has undergone a dramatic political, institutional and economic transformation over the last two decades. The political system has evolved towards open and highly competitive elections, decentralization of the public sector has progressed, some sectors previously controlled by state owned enterprises were privatized and barriers to international trade were substantially reduced. Sector reforms have resulted in expanded coverage of basic social services such as education and health, and the macroeconomic and trade reforms of the 1990s have established Mexico as a stable and more open economy.
Despite this progress, there is still an economic development puzzle to be solved. A newcomer to Mexico might read the basic facts and figures and note the following. Mexico is the sixth largest producer of petroleum in the world. It is a founding member of the North American Free Trade Association (NAFTA). The country enjoys a privileged geography: two ample coastlines and a border shared with the world’s largest economy. While oil reserves are diminishing, Mexico possesses other natural resources in abundance. It also is famous for its rich cultural tradition, an important asset for its substantial tourism industry. So, with all these benign features, why has Mexico’s level of economic development failed to approach the level of its NAFTA trading partners, or the level of a typical OECD member state?
The.Forbidden.Kingdom DVDRip [2008]
The.Forbidden.Kingdom DVDRip [2008]
Action | Adventure | Comedy | Fantasy | PAL DVD | 701 MB
An American teenager who is obsessed with Hong Kong cinema and kung-fu classics makes an extraordinary discovery in a Chinatown pawnshop: the legendary stick weapon of the Chinese sage and warrior, the Monkey King. With the lost relic in hand, the teenager unexpectedly finds himself traveling back to ancient China to join a crew of warriors from martial arts lore on a dangerous quest to free the imprisoned Monkey King.
Building Local Bond Markets: An Asian Perspective
IFC | 2000 | ISBN 0-8213-4819-1 | English | 291 pages | PDF | 1.1 MB
Building local currency bond markets has become an increasingly important topic for emerging market countries, particularly since the Asian financial crisis. This book reviews why countries should consider building local currency corporate bond markets and how to evaluate what is needed and what might be developed.
It includes eight country studies: Republic of Korea, Australia, Malaysia, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Nepal. It is based on the IFC-sponsored South Asia Debt Market Symposium held in October 1999 in Sri Lanka, which brought together regulators and market participants from around Asia and other parts of the globe to discuss issues in developing local markets. The book should provide valuable insights for countries that are addressing these issues today.
Doing Business 2008 (Full Report )
The World Bank | 2007 | ISBN: 978-0-8213-7231-9 | English | 208 pages | PDF | 2.35 MB
Doing Business 2008 is the fifth in a series of annual reports investigating the regulations that enhance business activity and those that constrain it. Doing Business presents quantitative indicators on business regulations and the protection of property rights that can be compared across 178 economies—from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe—and over time.
Regulations affecting 10 stages of a business’s life are measured: starting a business, dealing with licenses, employing workers, registering property, getting credit, protecting investors, paying taxes, trading across borders, enforcing contracts and closing a business. Data in Doing Business 2008 are current as of June 1, 2007. The indicators are used to analyze economic outcomes and identify what reforms have worked, where, and why.
The Doing Business methodology has limitations. Other areas important to business—such as a country’s proximity to large markets, the quality of its infrastructure services (other than those related to trading across borders), the security of property from theft and looting, the transparency of government procurement, macroeconomic conditions or the underlying strength of institutions—are not studied directly by Doing Business. To make the data comparable across countries, the indicators refer to a specific type of business—generally a limited liability company operating in the largest business city.
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