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Friday, April 11, 2008

The DOD C-17 versus the Boeing 777: A Comparison of Acquisition and Development

The DOD C-17 versus the Boeing 777: A Comparison of Acquisition and Development
National Defense University | 1999 | ISBN 1-57906-01 7-X | English | 108 pages | PDF | 7 MB

Why did it take 'the Pentagon three times longer to develop the C-I 7 Globemaster III than it took the Boeing Company to produce the 777--planes with similar capabilities and technology? This striking comparison led the author of The DOD C-I 7 versus the Boeing 777 to conclude that: "Boeing made a concerted effort to determine what kind of airplane to build and researched the best methods to build it.

Politics interfered with the DOD process to determine need and hindered its ability to stay focused on the C-17." As this work by a talented acquisition professional reveals, "differences in commitment and focus are pervasive in each organization's management methods, technology philosophy, structure, mission, needs determination, and funding."




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