Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Restaurant Service Basics

Restaurant Service Basics
JohnWiley & Sons, Inc. | 2009 | ISBN 978-0-470-10785-0| English | PDF | 211 pages | 4.7 MB

Restaurant Service Basics, 2nd edition, is a practical guide for those who want to learn the core skills of professional table service in restaurants. Actual and prospective servers, aswell as managers, supervisors, and teacherswho train servers, will find this an invaluable resource for classroom use, restaurant training, or selftraining. This book discusses the server’s job, types of establishments, and different types of service, including French, Russian, English, American, banquet, familystyle, buffets, and more. Current issues such as embracing diversity, preventing harassment, and maintaining a drug-free workplace are also discussed. The text walks the reader through the dining experience from taking reservations, preparing the dining room, and greeting and serving guests to presentation of the check, and instructs the server on how to troubleshoot potential problems that may occur along the way. Safety, sanitation, and medical emergencies are addressed. Current information on ever-changing restaurant technology has a chapter of its own. The final chapter covers alcoholic beverage service, with all of its ramifications to the restaurant business.

Restaurant Service Basics, 2nd edition, will enable readers to develop the consummate service skills required to handle all phases of providing quality service, increasing their tips, and capturing repeat business for the restaurant. This is a great training tool for new servers and a reference tool for veteran servers. Servers can learn the techniques of serving thatwill perfect their job performance and guarantee success. READ MORE



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